Are 3-D Movies just a Big Headache

With the prospect of additional three-dimensional content coming to both the big and not-so-big (TV) screens, is 3-D technology anything more than a good thing? According to some ophthalmologist, for some people with even minor eye problems, 3-D may just lead to a big headache. To process the world three-dimensionally with normal vision, each eye sees objects at a slightly different angle. As for the illusions created by 3-D movies, they are not calibrated in entirely the same way that the eyes and brain are. If a person has eye problems to begin with 3-D technology makes the brain deal with a whole new layer of effort. Due to this disparity, people with eye problems are likely to develop headaches.

The illusions that you see in three dimensions in the movies is not exactly calibrated the same way that your eyes and your brain are. If your eyes are a little off to begin with, then it's really throwing a whole new degree of effort that your brain now needs to exert. We will explain all options available to you, and can help make the right decisions for eye health care situations. Your eyesight is priceless!