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Informative Videos

Cataract Surgery Videos

What Is cataract surgery?

In this video, the process of cataract surgery is explained with illustrated demos as well as lens options available to you.

What to expect after Cataract surgery

In this video, Dr. Notaroberto informs you of what you should expect during your recovery period after cataract surgery as well as instructions to ensure a successful recovery.

Causes of vision issues after cataract surgery

Dr. Notaroberto addresses the most frequently asked questions regarding vision issues even after cataract surgery.

Lens implant options

All the following videos are options of lens implants. Be sure to discuss with your doctor if the lens implants you wish to choose is a good option for you and your visual needs.

Light Adjustable Lens Technology

In these following videos, the Light Adjustable Lens which is a post-surgery customizable lens details and procedures are explained.

LenSx® Laser

Through continuous innovation, the LenSx® Laser with ASCEND™ Technology sets the standard at the cornea, capsule and lens, optimizing cataract refractive procedures and consistently hitting refractive targets for the widest range of patients.

Clareon®Vivity® Lens

In this video hear testimonial from Dr. Corey on the The Clareon®Vivity® Lens. This lens allows you to see clearly at far and intermediate distances with functional near vision, so that you can immerse yourself in a full range of activities—all while relying less on glasses.
