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Dr. Neil F. Notaroberto M.D.

Dr. Neil F. Notaroberto is the Medical Director at EyeCare 20/20 Retina & Vision Center, a collaborating researcher at the CLEVER Eye Institute, Louisiana Eye Research Institute (LERI), and an Assistant Professor at the George Washington University Medical Center. Dr. Notaroberto is a fellowship-trained ophthalmologist with expertise in retinal disease and surgery. His role is threefold: caring for patients, especially those with diabetic eye disease and macular degeneration; teaching; and conducting clinical research. Utilizing the most advanced medical and surgical instrumentation available, he is able to formulate the best treatments for each patient. His approach is patient-centric which places the patient at the center of care with the physician allowing the patient to choose the level of treatment they feel most comfortable with. When conservative measures fail then surgical treatments, which include intravitreal injections, retinal laser, and intraocular surgery, are instituted with a success rate that exceeds the national standard. Currently, Dr. Notaroberto performs over 1,000 combined surgeries and procedures each year in his efforts to improve vision and prevent blindness.

His research in bioinformatics and healthcare information technology began at the Yale Medical Center and culminated with a Medical Informatics fellowship at the GWU Medical Center resulting in the first monthly live CME course over the Internet. Previous award-winning projects included a surgical virtual reality simulator, computer-based teaching modules, and healthcare database systems. Current projects include digital analysis programs for determining stroke risk in patients by way of retinal vasculature measurements and macular function response to treatment.

Dr. Notaroberto was trained in computer science at Pacific University (Oregon) with experience in medical software and hardware. Graduate work in cardiovascular physiology was completed at Farleigh Dickenson University (New Jersey). Medical training was completed at George Washington University School of Medicine (Washington, D.C.) and Yale Medical Center (Connecticut). Surgical training was completed at Tulane Medical Center (Louisiana) and the University of Tennessee Medical Center (Tennessee).
