Why is important to get your eyes examined?
Your eyes are intimately connected to your body’s health. The retina, or the film of your eye, receive more blood flow per unit mass then any other organ in your body. Your retina takes every photon of light and converts it via a chemical reaction to an electrical impulse. This impulse is carried to the optic nerve and then the brain to form the image you see. Then the retinal photoreceptors have to regenerate the photoreactive chemical (in real time) to accept the next photon of light. And there are no rest breaks involved here, when someone walks in front of you, do you see a frame of an image then another frame while the retinal cells regenerate? No, you see a continuous image. Imagine the amount of energy that is required.
This process takes an enormous amount of energy, and energy in your body is acquired from oxygen and ATP (think of it as a form of sugar). The energy is supplied via a network of blood vessels that is massive and is derived from a branch off of one of the biggest pipelines in your body, the carotid artery.